How to join gym

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A membership to the Technology Students' Gymkhana gymnasium can be obtained by collecting a form issued by the gymnasium office located next to the common badminton court. The form is typically issued at the start of each semester and requires two things to be completed:

  • Physical fitness no-objection signed by a medical professional (for example, from BC Roy Technology Hospital). Just take a regular appointment with the doctor and have him attest the form after checkup.
  • Paid deposit slip of 500 to the bank account detail mentioned on the form. The deposit can be made in cash at the State Bank of India branch inside the campus, or through an online transfer to a bank account mentioned on the form. In the event of online payment, you need to submit a print out of the transaction.

The form also requires one to select a timing slot of preference. Once the details are filled, the form can be submitted at the same office.

Special cases[edit | edit source]

Typically, the forms are quickly collected at the beginning of each session. However, depending on how many people actually turn up the forms, complete the registration, turn up to Gym, additional slot vacancies may be available at a later stage (1-2 months after start of session). Such availabilities are not guaranteed and should be confirmed from the gymnasium office.